morocco empire federal government news for May 2021

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moorishe reall esstates science moroccan land, minerals, and resources have been hypothcated by wite settlers. all lands throughout the americas belong to the moorish nation for indigenous moroccan  people who reserve all rights to all lands. .
forms of government over territories hypothecate (v.) 1680s, “pledge (something) without giving up control of it; pawn; mortgage,” from hypothecat-, past-participle stem of Medieval Latin hypothecare, from Late Latin hypotheca “a pledge,” from Greek hypothēkē “a deposit, pledge, mortgage,” from hypo- “beneath, under” (see hypo-) + tithenai “to put, to place,” from reduplicated form of PIE root *dhe- “to set, put.” Related: Hypothecated; hypothecating; hypothecation; hypothecary. Source etymonline resource (n.) 1610s, “means of supplying a want or deficiency,” from French resourse “a source, spring,” noun use of fem. past participle of Old French resourdre “to rally, raise again,” from Latin resurgere “rise again” (see resurgent). Resources “a country’s wealth” first recorded 1779. Source etymonline wite (n.) blame or reproach Source: Webster’s 1828 Dictionary reproach (n.) mid-14c., “a rebuke, blame, censure;” also “object of scorn or contempt;” c. 1400, as “disgrace, state of disgrace,” from Old French reproche “blame, shame, disgrace” (12c.), from reprochier “to blame, bring up against,” said by some French etymologists to be from Vulgar Latin *repropiare, from Latin re- “opposite of” + prope “near” (see propinquity), with suggestions of “bring near to” as in modern “get in (someone’s) face.” But others would have it from *reprobicare, from Latin reprobus/reprobare (see reprobate (adj.)). Source etymonline
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